The BTC halving correctly EXPLAINED #btc #halving #crypto
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Everything gets cheaper in BTC #home #btc #fiat
Youtube FeedVideo Transcriptnow I love examples like this this is
the price of a home in US Dollars versus
Bitcoin and as you can see in dollars
the price of the property has almost
doubled so if you were holding dollars
now the house is more expensive…

Infinity over 21 Million | BTC Explained #bitcoin #education #scarcity
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptThis is the price of Bitcoin over the last few years and this is the production cost of bitcoin over the last few years as a network average now here's the thing to understand about why Bitcoin goes parabolic in price well…

Connect in the physical world! #BTC #CDMX #connect
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptSo the other week I went to Mexico City where they have a place called the Bitcoin embassy it's a bar and they sell food and you can pay in Bitcoin and the one thing I'd like to convey to anyone that has an interest in the…

Bitcoin has uncertainty? #mining #farming #efficiency
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptOne of the concerns people have had before about Bitcoin mining is that how can you have an income stream that is random that you produce blocks randomly based on for example if you are mining with 1% of the Network's hash…

Big picture Bitcoin #energy #sats #blockchain
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptSo this is my favorite graphic that I created to help people understand that Bitcoin has many moving Parts but it can be easily understood as a circular energy economy that it has six core Parts the production of energy the…

HSBC Gold Token!? #hsbc #digital #physical
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There is no Bitcoin, without the expenditure of energy in the physical world.
Video TranscriptSo here's something interesting HSBC have launched a digital gold token that is a digital asset which is an IOU that references a fractional amount…

Trillion $ Compute Tree #btc
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptQuestion why is Bitcoin a $1.4 trillion asset well that takes an external comparison of the market cap of Bitcoin versus other assets it's currently in ninth place and it's overtaking silver that's quite insanee now the way…

Bitcoin SolarPunk economy #solarpunk #btc #energy #ReFi
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptSolar Punk the progression of technology and the environment hand inand it's something that I believe that Bitcoin mining would be extremely valuable for in the concept of trading and conducting trade with energy resources…

Bitcoin Mining is 95% subsidised?! #consensus #issuance #subsidy
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptDid you know that Bitcoin mining is 95% subsidized that is that we have blocks of Bitcoin being mined where 95% of it is new Bitcoin in issuance and 5% from transaction fees of existing Bitcoin in circulation what this does…

Why does the Halving increase price? #btc #halving #april
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptWhy does the price of Bitcoin go up after the harving well the short sweet Finance bro answer to this is the supply of freshly mined Bitcoin is cut in half and so with the same amount of demand out there the price goes up…

Bitcoin MILITARY applications #military #bitcoin #energy #hardmoney
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptBitcoin military technology something you might not have thought about before but the success factors of any military throughout history has been a lot of energy and a lot of monetary resources Bitcoin is a computational…

Satoshi’s NODE – digital expansion #bitcoin #data #education
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptBitcoin nodes what are they and why are they important and what is the history of them let's have a look Bitcoin nodes store all of the transaction data of the blockchain and who was the first node that would have been Satoshi…

Can AI BREAK Bitcoin?! #ai #btc #education
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptWill artificial intelligence take over Bitcoin or Bitcoin mining let's see I was about to draw out a whole explanation but the short answer is no AI cannot the reason why is because Bitcoin as a network puts human and machine…

The Bitcoin TROJAN horse #energy #hashpower #humangreed
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptThere is a trojan horse in the Bitcoin Network and it uses human greed to trick us into making the world's most powerful money that has ever been invented let me show you Bitcoin as a network settles trillions of dollars…

The history of BTC hardware #asic #btc #vote
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptThe history of Bitcoin mining Hardware starts with Satoshi nakamoto's laptop CPU all the way to the industrial huge scale Bitcoin miners consuming megawatts of power let's have a look people began mining in the early days…

Is Bitcoin a CrYpTo?! #cryptography
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptIs Bitcoin a crypto no Bitcoin uses cryptography as a mathematical layer to defend your monetary data otherwise known as Bitcoin take the example of WhatsApp you've got your endtoend encryption which means you send private…

Is Bitcoin Mining an E-WASTE timebomb!? #ewaste #bitcoin #heating
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptIs Bitcoin mining Hardware an E-Waste Time Bomb let's have a look Bitcoin mining is energy Arbitrage so if you can see that with a certain machine you can turn a dollar of electricity into more than a dollar of Bitcoin then…

Bitcoin | Individual vs Collective #proofofwork #education #philosophy
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptBitcoin has a really interesting philosophical lens the physical energy and Mining side of the network is all about you and your strength as an individual in the physical world which is very apparent in our laws of nature…

More efficiency = More Bitcoin #bitcoin #secrets #education
Youtube FeedVideo TranscriptIf I could compress my seven years of Bitcoin study into a single quote it would be those most efficient with their energy will account the most SS AKA Bitcoin let me show you why Bitcoin is vertically integrated from the…
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